Monday, September 17, 2007

READING JOURNAL - Jane Eyre - Chapter 4

Jane is told she could be going to Lowood girls’ school, she meets Mr Brocklehurst. He is the man who runs and owns the school. Mrs Reed tells Mr. Brocklehurst that Jane lies and she is trouble. Later, Jane is seething at her Aunt for lying about her...she tells her aunt what she really thinks.

Religion - religion come sinto this chapter...Mr Brocklehurst seems upset at Jane because she doesn't want to read psalms and doesn't seem particularly interested in them.

Mr. Brocklehurst - He is the owner and 'manager' of Lowood School. He is nasty and cold to Jane as a result of Mrs Reed's lies.

I have only read up to chapter 4, but as i read i think the book seems to get a little more interesting along the way. The more i read it, the more i get into it. i kind of feel pleased for Jane in a way because by the end of this chapter she has told her Aunt how she feels and she has also left Gateshead to attend a school. Even though the school isn't wonderful it is better than staying with the Reed family.

1 comment:

Donald said...

A good personal response so far Chantelle. You are noting how themes develop. Keep thinking about how Bronte evokes a reaction in you. How does she does this? Is it the accounts of Jane's bad treatment, the use of description etc?